Candid Street Customers Support
PASSWORD PROBLEMS for Patreon subscribers
Question: What is my login data (username and/or password)?
- You need to login with e-mail used during patreon registration. Password isn't required.
Question: I can't get access to members area using my email. What to do?
- Step 1. Get password on Nick Smith's Patreon page in the pinned post "Gallery zip password" - HERE
- Step 2. Login Candid Street Members Area using username: cnick80 and password from the Step 1
- Still can't log in? Use contact form below for assistance
PASSWORD PROBLEMS for Other subscribers
Question: What is my login data (username and/or password)?
- You had to get the confirmation e-mail after signup, it contains the username and password to login. If you can't find it in "Inbox" folder, try to look for it in "Spam" or "Junk Mail" folders. However, if you no longer have that email, we can help you to retrieve your login information, please, submit the contact form below with as much information as possible about your membership (first name, last name and registered e-mail is usually enough).
Question: My username and password don't work. What to do?
- Probably, you made mistake typing username or/and password. Username and password are case-sensitive. It's better if you copy username and password from signup confirmation e-mail directly to login box (select username by holding left mouse button, press right mouse button and select "Copy" from popup menu, then click right mouse button on the space used for username typing and select "Paste" from popup menu. Do the same action for your password).
- Switch off proxy server if you use it, also switch off any anonymizer, firewall or other blocking software and try to login again (all mentioned software can block any authorization (login) requests).
- Still can't? Please, submit the contact form below with REGISTERED E-MAIL, USERNAME, PASSWORD. Also, please, describe your problem to allow us to help you as soon as possible.
If you have been abusing or trading passwords from our sites, your access will be blocked automatically. If this happens, please contact us and we will look into that issue. Keep your password safe.